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Gatagani was a very dry barren area, when we first visited here in 2006, with little rains and famine a huge problem.  We visited the school, and witnessed the poverty among the community.  To our amazement the River Tana ran alongside this area, and yet the people had no water to drink, and no food to eat.  An opportunity arose for the SCKP to purchase some land, and in December 2011 we set up a two acre training farm.   Our farm manager, Jerusha has created an area called Green Acres, and the food harvested  from this area helps feed the elderly and needy in the community.  The food grown in the farm has been amazing, but it's not without it's challenges; drought, locustes and floods.    A small water pump was put in place, pumping water onto the farm.  It is our hope and prayer that we will be able to develop the farm, and grow, providing food for the whole community and further afield.

Gatagani Farm

 We have been hit with one disaster after another over the past few years. Recent floods washed away the seeds that had just been planted, so we have decided to concentrate more on raising livestock.  We have increased our goats, and  introduced Chickens into the farm and they are doing well.   


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This new petrol pump has been installed in the Gatagani SONshine farm, and a new pump house has been built.  It is costly to run, and ideally we want to invest in a solar water pump.

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pumping water from the river
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This local has worked on the farm, and has earned a new Solar SUNKING Mobile light with phone charging capacity.  She is so delighted with because it is going to improve her quality of life, and help her children with their studies.  

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Donations for the Farm

can be made via Paypal and

will help provide work for the

 community and this will

 subsequently improve their

 lifestyle and help provide a

 better quality of life.


From September 2015 we decided to introduce a small herd of goats to the farm, and an area was set aside and an enclosure built.  We bought 20 goats, including one male and in February we had our first kid born on the farm.  We hope that over the next few weeks to almost double the herd.  

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Become A Donor

The Local community helping to prepare cowpeas. 

 A Growing Community

On our last visit to Gatagani, it was amazing to see the difference.  The people looked healthier, and a new local market had been established.  The roads to Gatagani were improved.  Even the local school had several more paid teachers.
All in all, we were delighted to see how even this small 2 acres of cultivated land had changed lives.  What a difference could be made in this area if the rest of the land was cultivated.   



Despite the heavy rains and floods early December, January's harvest has been good:  cowpeas, green grams and other crops and herbs.  The above shows some of the crops.