The need in Kenya is so great – 65% of the population live below the poverty line.  In the Turkana, Samburu & Tharaka regions which we visited this figure rises to 85% living in absolute poverty.  These people realise that the only hope of escaping this situation is to educate their children, but this is beyond the means of most families. This is where we can make a difference!  We agreed to start a Child Sponsorship Programme.   Hence the SONshine Club Kenya Project was established.  IT's our aim to make these children self sufficient , and although we will help provide them a primary school education, we endeavour to give them the means to help themselves when it comes to further education.   

Child Sponsorship

As a sponsored child

As a Sponsored child, your donation enables me to go to school, providing me with a school uniform, solar lights, matresses, and much more.  Your donation buys a medical insurance and if any of my family are ill, we can attend a local clinic or hospital for medical care.  I have been given goats each year and taught how to breed them. This has improved my whole family's health as we now have fresh milk. Often when we have sufficient we sell milk to our neighbours and this gives us extra money to purchase food products.  The goat programme will let me finance my own secondary education.   I feel so blessed to be a sponsored child.

As a Sponsor​ or Donor

As a Sponsor, I initially get a profile of my child, detailing the child's family circumstances. Throughout the year I get 2/3 reports including a school report and a Newletter, keeping me up to date about the work  of SONshine Club kenya Project.  I can write to my child, and I understand I can even arrange to visit.  It is satisfying just to know that I am making a difference not just to the life of one child but to their family.


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For £15.00 per month you will help educate a child, providing an essential school uniform, stationery, and basic medical care.  This will give a child a better quality of life and hope for the future.  Going to school also ensures that the child get at least one meal per day.   In return you wi​ll receive regular updates and school reports, and the satisfaction that you are making a difference.

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Goat Programme

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 Each child will part take in a Goat  Breeding programme- A sustainable project.  Since January 2010, each of the primary school children have received one or two female goats,depending on the market price, and they have been encouraged to rear and breed these.  As the herd grows, they are encouraged to sell some to help provide for their own education.  This project has been well accepted by the children themselves, their families and in fact their tribal leaders. 

  Medical Insurance

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All our children originally received an annual medical check and we found many of them were  treated for worms, malaria, typhoid, and other treatable ailments.   

Several of the children have had more major problems, and they have been taken to Nairobi for further medical treatment.  One young lad had a tumor behind his eye, and has now had this removed, and although he lost his eye, he now is free from pain and his life has been prolonged.  He will be fitted with a glass eye soon. We discovered that when a child was ill, they didn't visit the clinic due to lack of funds. So with the sponsor money,

each child has now been provided with a medical insurance policy which allows any   family member, if they become ill, to receive in-hospital treatment.  This is really making a difference to the lives of children in the Tharaka region.